Believe it or not, 53% of all website traffic starts with a simple web search.

And yet in that huge search volume trying to make your online store stand out and boost sales can feel like impossible. 

When the new habit is to just order everything online and if you can’t leverage basic human behavior, you’re missing out. 

28% of folks around the globe are regularly shopping from the comfort of their homes. 

Every day, countless shoppers are waiting to scratch that itch just waiting to stumble upon your site, but you need to climb up the search engine rankings to catch their eye.

That’s exactly where we come in. 

Our blog is jam-packed with all the essential tips and strategies you’ll need to increase your store’s visibility in search results and attract more buyers.

Stick with us to find the 5 simple strategies for eCommerce SEO.

1. Keywords are Key

With “keywords”, we’re talking about the exact words people put into search engines like Google when they’re looking for something. You want to figure out what those specific words are and make sure they’re present on your website.

Google’s Keyword Planner is a useful tool that can help you uncover the right words to use. After determining these, your job is to sprinkle them into your product descriptions, headlines, and even the tags you put on your images.

  • Step 1: Find your keywords. Use the Google Keyword Planner to understand what words your customers are typing into their search bars. Are they searching for “funky t-shirts” or “cool tees”?
  • Step 2: Include these Keywords. Once you have the right keywords in hand, place them into your product descriptions, titles, and image tags. This makes it easier for customers to find your website when they use those specific words.

2. Product Descriptions that Shine

Here, concentrate on making your product descriptions unique and valuable. Neither search engines nor customers like seeing a copied description. Taking time to draft unique and beneficial descriptions for each product improves your website ranking and customer experience.

  • Step 1: Draft Unique Descriptions. Understand each product well and write unique descriptions that bring out their main features. Remember, it’s not about copying and pasting what’s given by manufacturers.
  • Step 2: Make Your Descriptions Helpful. Include necessary information – sizes, materials used, how to manage it, etc. This gives more value to customers and adds uniqueness to your content.

3. Speed it Up

We all comfortably know the frustration with slow websites. It’s the same with search engines. If your site’s loading speed is slow, it will lose visitors, and fewer people will see it through search engines. If you find your website slow, get help from a web developer.

  • Step 1: Check Your Website Speed. Google’s PageSpeed Insights is a tool that can help you see how fast your site loads.
  • Step 2: Speed Up Your Website. If your site loads slowly, consider actions like compressing your images, reducing the excess parts of the coding, and using a quality website host or CDN(Content Delivery Network).

4. Mobile-Friendliness Matters

It’s a fact that more than half of traffic comes from mobile phones. So, it’s really important to make sure your online store works well on these small-screen devices. If not, you could lose many potential customers. Google also prefers mobile-friendly sites and might show them to more people.

  • Step 1: Check Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly. Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test will help you see this.
  • Step 2: Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly. If your website isn’t good in mobile view, talk to a web developer and take the needed actions.

5. Don’t Forget About Links!

Linking to other websites is like a recommendation in the eyes of search engines. The more websites that link to yours, the more popular your site will appear to search engines.

  • Step 1: Find Websites to Link with Your Site. Make a list of related websites, blogs, and influencers who could like your products.
  • Step 2: Request for Links. With your list, approach them via email or on social media. Let them know about your unique products and encourage them to link to your website. But also, never buy links, search engines don’t like that.

Final Thoughts

Remember, SEO is all about helping search engines understand your website so they can show it to as many people as possible. 

Now, if all this SEO talk is making your head spin, don’t worry. 

That’s where we at Kabir IT Services come in.  

With 8 years under our belt and over 200 projects, we’re there to get you ranked and make sales. 

Whether it’s picking the perfect keywords or making your website fast – we can do it all. 

So why not contact us today?