Building a website is a significant first step. Kudos to You! However, you won’t drive the traffic you want without the right keywords and keyword research. 

According to Google, 15% of all searches have never been searched. 

Astonishing, isn’t it? 

It presents a great opportunity that excites every person doing SEO in this digital landscape. 

Hence, nailing keyword strategy is a Sure-shot way to increase website visibility and traffic. 

What’s all the buzz with Keyword Research?

The term research may evoke an image of endless hours of work with strange people in lab coats, but it’s all digital here. We won’t lie. It can be like that sometimes. 

Guess What?

“Good things come to those who possess patience,” and Google is the ultimate gift that keeps on giving. 

Also, the better the keyword research, the more people knock on your digital address. 

Good keyword research is vital for SEO. It helps you understand what people are searching for in your niche. Also, it tells you how those searches relate to your products or services.

It allows you to find what people want and then match your content, products, and services to those needs.

Here are five reasons why good keyword research is so important:

  1. It helps you identify popular search terms in your niche.
  2. It helps you identify keywords with low competition levels.
  3. It helps you identify high-volume keywords that could increase your website’s traffic.
  4. It helps you identify long-tail keywords that might get less traffic. However, they still have a lot of potential because they attract users who want more specific information rather than generic keywords.
  5. It helps you discover new ways to approach your writing or content creation efforts by seeing what people search for when they visit your site.

Bonus Tactics To Stay Ahead Of The Game

Google is a dynamic search engine that is constantly updating and changing. 

This can benefit us as marketers because we can stay ahead by knowing what Google is looking for.

Here are some essential tips that keep you ahead of the curve.

  1. Explore the “people also search for” section on Google.
  2. Use Google Keyword planner.
  3. Do basic research first to decide if the topic is worth writing about. Take a look if people are genuinely interested.
  4. If you can afford premium tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush, go for it! The investment will always pay off.
  5. Look at competitor landing pages.
  6. Use Google trends to check for buzzwords.
  7. Do a manual check for keyword ideas.
  8. Use keyword tools for long-tail searches.

If you are looking for a nifty digital marketing company that can take tiring keyword research off your hands, book a call with Kabir IT Services Pvt. Ltd today!