Kabir IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

Things You Need To Avoid When You Creating Your Brand
Digital Marketing

10 Things You Need To Avoid When You Creating Your Brand

Just like job seekers create a distinct identity to stand out from the other candidates, similar is the case with newly appointed “Businessmen.” Regardless of how well-accomplished your ideas are and how hard you’ve worked to come up here, one misstep can lead to blunders.

Nevertheless. Now that you have decided to do more to your ideas than just talk about them, let’s help you with 10 things you need to avoid when grow your brand because the cruel world won’t let you survive if you don’t. Want to know what these mistakes are and how you can avoid indulging in any of’em? Keep Following! 

Missteps to Avoid When Starting Your Brand from Scratch

It’s not uncommon in the business world to be aware of a lot of things yet to be unaware of many of them, especially when you are new to the case. Here’s what we are for; to not only enlighten you with such information but also provide answers to the same

  1. Being excessively formal 

If we are being honest, nothing is more boring than being “Professional.” Like, are people interested in what you look like, or how you act/talk or are they more interested in following up with what you have in the box for them? Well-well you can be as good at your job as you want to and still do it your way. 

Your brand or business should always be a filtered version of you because trying hard to be a professional will leave you on the edge of being boring and “Generic.” No one likes generic. 

Your brand should be a reflection of you, it should not have an identity crisis, and it should disconnect you from your dream. The more you figure these things out simultaneously, the more prone you are to getting your clients. 

  1. Falsely representing oneself

Put your heart and soul into your brand; do everything you can to make it work but don’t ever try to be someone you are not. Fast success with a sham personality won’t give you as much peace as slow success with original representation would do. If you try to be someone else, maybe like your competitors in the market, your audience will see right through it. And, you won’t even have the chance to justify yourself.

If you showcase your unique style and incredible ideas that generated nowhere but in your mind, your skills, the values you stand by, and lastly, your experience, your targeted audience will acknowledge and sympathise with you, which eventually gets you increased chances of turning them into your loyal customers and not the other way round. 

  1. Lacking a personal or company website.

We live in a digitalized world, where everything is available to us at our doorsteps with just a few taps, whether it be groceries or information on what the world is currently revolving around. This brings us to justify our point about why you must not avoid creating your personal or company website, a portfolio of what you do, provide, and strive for. 

Ensure to secure an ideal domain name for you, if you can’t get access to your particular brand name domain, you can get access to something close to it; is a reflection of it. Furthermore, once you are done creating a website, share what you are doing with your audience, publish articles, share thoughts, write-ups, and whatever you feel is correct. 

  1. Neglecting to uphold a robust online presence.

Online presence is as important as offline presence for every business; be it small or large. Make sure that you have a strong online presence on all the social media channels. Professional platforms like LinkedIn are perfect for sharing what you have. However, twitter for men and Instagram for women are most common. You must first identify who your target audience is and on which platform you will be able to reach out to them. 

So, make sure to create an appealing online presence. You can use digital marketing for your brand to be visible online. But, one thing you must keep in mind is to avoid using inappropriate strategies that may entirely shut your online presence. In such a manner, you will be safe with what you are doing online. 

  1. Engaging in dishonesty regarding your claims. 

Don’t make false promises; promise only what you can rather give. This high-tech world won’t let you lie, just a few clicks and people will find out what you are all about. So, make sure to only claim what you can provide to your customers because dishonesty doesn’t last long. Lying may give you a strong fan following but it may backfire once they find the truth. 

In addition, always be upfront about what you are selling. Suppose, you are selling a sunscreen and you claim it to be organic; try everything that you can to add ingredients that are organic and won’t harm or damage the user’s skin. Rest assured, when the consumers use your product, they will find out that your claims were in fact as real as you said them to be. In turn, you will get a long list of loyal customers based on word-of-mouth. 

  1. Demonstrating fluctuating and pessimistic behaviour.  

Negative behaviour and inconsistency are the two important characteristics that every businessman should stay away from. People value consistency and optimistic behaviour, which means you won’t get a second chance if you fail to show so. Whatever your thoughts, ideas, or opinions may be, stick to them. Don’t falter, don’t stammer, or present shaky opinions. 

If you are against somebody’s ideas don’t try to shut them off with a negative answer, acknowledge what they have to say, appreciate their mind, and cut them a slack by providing flexibility. It will open doors for people to share their opinions with you, which further will help you grow your brand in a manner that showcases what you are and how positively you take into account what others have to suggest to you. 

  1. Being excessively concerned about others’ opinions.

This is one of the most important factors you must avoid when creating your Agency. Avoid what others have to say. It’s okay to acknowledge and reciprocate but it’s not okay to force their opinions upon yours. People who won’t want to see you succeed will always have negative feedback for you but are you here to feed your soul or there’s? 

Don’t fall into the trap, try to disregard it, and embrace your personality as much as you can. In such a manner, you will flourish like no other. You will be an “entrepreneur” well thought about. 

  1. Overlooking immediate opportunities right in front of you.

When you try to catch the bigger fish in the sea, you always overlook the smaller ones closer to your net, and you get neither. Always focus on your existing customers more than you focus on building new customers. If you value people who are already engaged with you, you will have a list of followers who are going nowhere. Build trust and companionship.

Now you must be wondering, then how will I be able to expand my clients? Well, the ones that you have will get you there. Start small, end big. When you serve small businesses, you will see a connection that leads you to the bigger ones.

  1. Entering the market without identifying your target audience. 

Knowing your target audience is of utmost significance because you cannot sell when you do not know who to sell. Every strategy, every promotion, every post, every product, must align to the needs of your target audience and not otherwise. Research the market, get your hands on the right data from reputable sources on the internet, and organise things accordingly. 

When you know who your target audience is, it will be easy for you to provide what they are looking for, you can go above and beyond to offer them the services they have been wanting for so long. 

  1.  Failing to take feedback or suggestions from your customers. 

Lastly, don’t forget to take feedback, suggestions, or reviews from your customers after you have sold your service or product to them. In such a manner, you will get to know the drawbacks or loopholes you must work on to get better at your game. If possible, you can get video reviews or manage live podcast sessions with some of your customers to showcase to the world your “WORK”. Afterward, you can post it on your socials or website for the world to see it with their bare eyes. 

Wind Up!

The mentioned “10 things you need to avoid when you brand” will help you stay steady and still in your business as it will assist you in getting better at what you may currently be lacking. So, make sure that you follow up with the key factors and grow strong. 

Learn More! 

  1. What makes bad branding?

Perplexed ideas and representation, inconsistency, and inauthentic branding are the three key things that make bad branding. 

  1. Why do some brands fail?

Brands that lack competitive differentiation often tend to fail in the long run.

  1. What are the steps to create a strong brand?

Research, analyse, learn, provide, and engage, are some of the things you could do to create a strong brand. 

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13 Expert Tips to Improve Your Landing Pages
Digital Marketing

13 Expert Tips to Improve Your Landing Pages

Imagine this: you make a tiny tweak on your webpage that could skyrocket your sales or sign-ups by 2-3X.

Too good to be true? Nope. Companies optimizing their landing pages can see a massive 223% ROI increase on average. Just by nurturing your leads properly, you might witness a 451% jump in qualified leads​​. 

But how will you do it? That’s where we step in with our guide. In this blog, you will find 13 expert-backed solutions to turn your landing page from a ghost town into a bustling marketplace. 

Read on to boost your online presence with simple, actionable strategies that speak directly to your audience’s needs.

Craft a Landing Page with Essential Elements

  • Headline: Your headline should be attention-grabbing, making the visitor want to learn more.
  • Value Proposition: Explain clearly why your offer is valuable in a brief paragraph. Make it irresistible.
  • Visual Elements: Include at least one relevant image to engage visitors visually.
  • Testimonials/Security Badges: Optional, but they can significantly boost credibility.
  • Information Capture Form: This is vital for converting visitors into leads or customers.

These elements work together to transform your landing page into a magnet for potential leads.

Keep Visitors Focused: Ditch the Main Navigation

Removing the main menu navigation reduces the noise on the landing page. In other words, the focus is drawn to the most meaningful content: the offer and CTA. Also, simple navigation is more effective for conversion, holding visitor engagement on the page.

Align Your CTA with Your Page Headline

Another thing: make sure your CTA and landing page headline are complimentary, and consistent with each other. It will give clarity to your visitors and, in its turn, their trust getting developed on your website. Minimize confusion or any form of distrust with your CTA and headline singing the same tune.

Embrace Simplicity

A good clean landing page doesn’t mean—it should look bombarding or cluttered to the visitor. Use white space in moderation, such that it is eyes-pleasing. Simply put, the text not more than is necessary ensures the otherwise useful text is free from verbosity and leads to the point with the relevant image to make this page more engaging and conversion-friendly.

Optimize for Mobile Users

Mobile optimization – it means a better user experience for an even bigger and still growing part of your audience, thus potentially increasing your conversion rate.

Your landing page should also be very good-looking, and this will perform equally well in all gadgets, especially on smartphones and tablets, since mobile users are also overgrowing. They expect the page to load very fast. To keep your page running speedily, optimize images and streamline the code.

On mobile, typing is more tedious. Keep forms short and fields large enough to be easily tapped.

Highlight the Value

Point out the value of the offer to the visitor and why he or she should care. You can make bullet points or a small paragraph outlining in a very clear manner how your offer answers the need of the visitor or solves a problem for him or her. This will be good for propelling the value of your offer.

Promote Social Sharing

Social sharing buttons can help to enable visitors to easily share the content with their networks. Also, you should have an option of email forwarding for the sake of those who like sharing via emails. Social sharing may make your offer seen on a bigger scale, reaching more prospects—even if not all shares are converted directly.

The More Landing Pages, the Better

The more landing pages you have, the more the ability to target different pieces of content towards your audience. This kind of diversity means just so many more opportunities to catch leads by appealing to different needs—and, one would assume, interests. Customizing pages to buyer personas can increase conversion rates by up to 55%.

Request Only What You Need

Only ask information on your forms that is necessary for your marketing or sales process, and keep forms short and to the point—that will further help head off visitor frustration and abandonment. A balance is to be maintained between collecting valuable lead information and maintaining a high conversion rate.

Rethink Your Form’s CTA Button

Instead of the usual “Submit” button, replace with benefit-focused text that actually tells the visitors to your site what it is they get when they click. Make the button visually striking: use bold colors, and size it up to make it visible. Simple changes such as these make form submissions more appealing and might bump those conversion rates.

Lower Anxiety with Trust Signals

Include privacy assurances, security badges, and testimonials that would aid in the building of trust and soothing the anxiety of a visitor. It assures the visitor that the information is secured and has been of benefit to others. This builds a relationship of trust, which is mostly required in situations of asking for personal information.

Use A/B Testing to Continuously Improve

Through this, you can know which works better with your audience. Take the information that you gain from your A/B test and make well-founded changes to your landing page. 

Often, it’s the little, easy-to-forget things that can make such a difference in your conversion rates. Continue to look at your landing page as an evolving work in progress, and based on the results of testing, make further iterations that, in time, should increase their effectiveness.

A/B testing would guide you in making small iterations on your landing page that are fully harnessed by real user data for maximum efficiency. 

Use Video to Maximize Persuasion

You’ll express way more in only one small, funny video than the text and the pictures can together. So, you will even be able to express your offer, the very product you have, even tell your brand’s story by video.

Videos are perfect to express yourself without making the audience get bored or disinterested.

Don’t replace content on your landing page with the video; just bring alternative content in it. Test the various positions on your landing page that the video might take and see where it drives the most engagement or conversions. However, make sure the video is easily reachable and not bothersome.

Final Thoughts

If this all feels like too much effort to do, don’t worry.

That’s where we at Kabir IT Services come in, With over a decade of experience in digital marketing and over 100+ projects, no matter how complex your offer is, we can sell it with a landing page. 

So, if you can’t DIY it, let us know, we’ll do it for you. 

Contact us here. 

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The ZOHO Story - Journey Towards a $1 Billion Unicorn
Digital Marketing

The ZOHO Story – Journey Towards a $1 Billion Unicorn

From a small startup in Chennai, India, to becoming a global corporation reaching the 1 billion revenue target without securing any venture capital funding, that’s the magic of ZOHO. Let’s pull back the curtain and learn how Sridhar Vembu, the CEO and founder, turned a small apartment operation into an inspiring legacy.

Who or What is ZOHO Corp?

ZOHO Corp is a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company renowned for its diversified range of budget-friendly software products. The company serves millions of users, with noteworthy customers like Netflix and Levis. ZOHO offers over 55 business collaboration and productivity applications, catering to small, growing, and well-established organizations.

The Origin Story Of ZOHO

Back in 1996, ZOHO (then known as AdventNet) took its first leap into the tech universe. Guided by Sridhar Vembu and his partners, the company navigated initial struggles and secured some low-margin contracts starting their journey. The first few years of operation yielded around $1M in sales – not a bad start, right? The doors to venture capital funding were opening, but Vembu refused to walk in. He favored bootstrapping to retain control over the company’s course.

Surviving the Downturn

Every story has its challenging phase, and ZOHO’s came during the dot-com era. Instead of giving up, the company transformed threats into opportunities. AdventNet used this phase to diversify its portfolio and upgrade its products to the enterprise level. The result was the successful launch of Manage Engine.

Harnessing The Cloud Services Trend

Fast-forward to 2005: ZOHO harnessed the increasing demand for cloud services and introduced a new division for cloud-based business software. AdventNet was renamed as ZOHO, and the tech unicorn we know today came alive. With increased investment in research and development (RD), the company began to compete with big names like Salesforce.

The Launch Of ZOHO One

In 2017, they launched ZOHO One – a bundle of around 40 apps. The result was spectacular as the user base quickly escalated to over 30M. By 2022, ZOHO’s revenues surpassed $1 billion – securing its position as one of the most successful bootstrapped companies.

The Secret Recipe for ZOHO’s Success

What led to ZOHO’s rise? Well, there are our main factors:

Revenue Model: The company built a successful business model involving product diversity, freemium pricing plans, and vertical integration.

Focus on RD: ZOHO committed significant resources towards RD, building multiple applications yearly and upgrading existing software.

Marketing Strategy: With strategic marketing efforts, including trade shows, direct marketing, and competitive analysis, ZOHO expanded its customer base and reputation.

Human Resources: Capitalizing on talent, the company recruited over 700 engineers to fuel its product development.

Final Thoughts

Sridhar Vembu once famously said, “I am in business to run a business, not run away from it.” We have to agree. ZOHO’s ascent to a billion-dollar giant proves this. ZOHO exemplifies how combining a vision, strategic approach, strong RD, and resilience in challenges can make a company a giant.

ZOHO has survived and thrived, teaching fellow entrepreneurs that you don’t always have to rely on venture capital. You can grow your business organically. So, next time you face a challenging phase in your startup or business journey, think about the ZOHO story, and it might just give you the motivation to turn the tides in your favor.

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Sugar Cosmetics - A Game Changer in Indian Beauty Industry
Web Development

Sugar Cosmetics – A Game Changer in Indian Beauty Industry

With a total market size exceeding US$6 billion, India is home to one of the world’s largest cosmetic marketplaces. Foreign corporations mainly dominate this sector, with the top ten players accounting for 90% of the market. However, the landscape is changing as e-commerce and direct-to-consumer (D2C) retailing take hold, disrupting the status quo. Companies like Nykaa, Mamaearth, and Sugar Cosmetics have started to challenge the market domination of large cosmetic brands, rapidly becoming the go-to cosmetic options for customers across metro, Tier 1, and Tier 2 cities.

Achieving this success was no easy feat, as new brands need hard work, dedication, and the right business strategies to leave a lasting impression. In this article, we examine the incredible success story of Sugar Cosmetics, from its inception to its rapid rise as a prominent player in the Indian cosmetics industry.

From the Beginning: Sugar Cosmetics’ Foundational Years

Established in 2012, Sugar Cosmetics started with just two products: a black matte eyeliner and a black kohl pencil. Over the past decade, the company has expanded its offerings to around 450 stock-keeping units, making it one of India’s most well-known direct-to-consumer beauty companies.

The Founders: Kaushik Mukherjee and Vineeta Singh

Sugar Cosmetics was co-founded by Kaushik Mukherjee and Vineeta Singh, accomplished individuals with backgrounds in different fields. Kaushik, the CEO, attended BITS Pilani and IIM Ahmedabad and is also a marathon runner and Ironman triathlete. Vineeta, the co-founder and CEO, is an IIT Madras and IIM Ahmedabad graduate, TEDx speaker, triathlon participant, and ultramarathon runner.

With a team of 201-500 employees, they work together to grow Sugar Cosmetics, utilizing their combined skills in technology, product development, and marketing.

Sugar Cosmetics’ Business Model

Sugar has a D2C business model, using an omnichannel approach to sell its products across eCommerce marketplaces such as Nykaa, Amazon, and more. The company also has a presence in more than 10,000 sales outlets across over 130 locations. Sugar Cosmetics’ revenue streams come from its sales in India and exports to countries like Korea, Italy, Germany, and the US.

To strengthen the client-brand relationship, the company is focusing on cutting costs, reorganizing its team, boosting its eCommerce presence, and utilizing social media marketing.

Key Growth Highlights

  • Over 2 million unique visitors each month on the company website and app.
  • Sales of 200K+ products each month.
  • Products available in over 40K retail stores.
  • Strong presence on prominent e-commerce platforms such as Myntra, Nykaa, Amazon, Flipkart, and more.
  • International sales in countries like Korea, Italy, Germany, and the US.

The Revenue Model

Sugar Cosmetics’ recent success is highlighted by its rapid increase in revenue, with the company achieving 100 crores (over US$13.5 million) in annual revenue within just ten years. This accomplishment can be attributed to its omnichannel selling approach, content marketing efforts, and app development strategies.

During FY20, the company’s operating income increased by 82%, from Rs 57.14 crore (about US$7.7 million) in FY19 to more than Rs 103.71 crore (over US$14 million). In FY21, revenue reached Rs 126.36 crore (US$17.1 million) with a 22% rise in operating income.

Making the Right Moves

Sugar Cosmetics targets millennial customers and projects a brand image that appeals to bold, independent women. The company has distinguished itself with its unique low-poly packaging and popular products spanning Eyes, Lips, Nails, Face, and Skin categories.

Key Strategies


FAB BAG is a cosmetic subscription service co-founded by Kaushik Mukherjee and Vineeta Singh. Launched in 2012, the service offers a monthly “surprise” beauty box containing a mix of five products.

Premium Products

Sugar Cosmetics offers unique products that stand out in the market, like a matte eyeliner when the market was dominated by glossy eyeliners.

Instagram Influencers

Leveraging Instagram influencers, Sugar Cosmetics has gained more than 2 million followers on the platform and uses “unwrapping videos” and “before-and-after makeovers” to raise awareness about its new products.

Presence in Online Stores

Starting with Nykaa in 2016, Sugar Cosmetics extended its distribution to other online platforms like Flipkart and Amazon. Today, the brand is a part of a case study at the IIM-A case center, showcasing its success.

Final Thoughts

Sugar Cosmetics is a company that has shown impressive growth and agility in the ever-evolving cosmetics industry. With a projected revenue target of Rs 300 crore (over US$40 million) in FY22, the company is a shining example of a successful retail brand in the cosmetics space.

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Top Conversational Marketing Tools for Your Business
Digital Marketing

Top Conversational Marketing Tools for Your Business

Are your marketing efforts falling short? Perhaps you’re struggling to connect with your audience or find it difficult to guide them through their buying journey. Today, 90% of customers want an immediate response online, according to Gartner. This is where conversational marketing comes into play and delivers a personalized, quick, and smooth customer experience. In this blog, we’ll talk about the conversational marketing tools that can give an edge to your business.

What is Conversational Marketing?

Conversational Marketing is a method of engaging customers through one-on-one conversations across multiple channels. This approach involves leveraging chatbots, AI, and targeted messaging to improve customer experience and accelerate the sales process, making it more interactive and client-focused.

Benefits of Conversational Marketing Tools

Conversational marketing tools provide numerous advantages:

Improved User Engagement

By offering personalized responses based on the visitors’ behavior and preferences, you can enhance user interaction.

Capture More Data, Reduce Abandonment

Conversational marketing tools initiate engaging conversations that hold customers’ attention, thus reducing abandonment rates and gathering more information.

Boost Sales and Conversions

These tools help guide clients to relevant products or services by addressing their needs and concerns.
A simplified buying process can lead to increased sales and better conversion rates.

Scalable Customer Support

Conversational marketing tools allow for 24/7 customer support without hiring additional staff, making it a scalable solution for businesses of all sizes.

Let’s explore the top conversational marketing tools

  1. Drift

Drift is a pioneer in conversational marketing, leading the way with cutting-edge technology and advanced features. Its platform is not just a simple chat tool—it utilizes advanced chatbots that emulate human conversations, providing personalized experiences based on visitor behavior.

The Drift interface and its tools are designed for higher lead conversion and customer retention.

Pros: Real-time messaging, intelligent chatbots, personalized messaging based on visitor behavior, and integration with marketing platforms.

Cons: Interface can be complex for new users.

2. Intercom

With a strong focus on customer relationships, Intercom offers businesses a truly multifaceted communications toolkit. Offering both chatbots and live chat services, Intercom ensures real-time customer communication.

What sets Intercom apart is its in-app messaging—software that allows you to chat with users while they’re actively using your product.

Pros: Multi-channel messaging, in-app messaging, real-time performance analytics, and advanced bot automation.

Cons: Certain advanced features may have a higher cost.

3. HubSpot

HubSpot’s conversational marketing tool is an integrated piece of its broad and versatile marketing framework. This tool combines powerful chatbot capabilities with HubSpot’s renowned CRM system, providing detailed reporting and analytics.

This data-informed approach helps marketers cater to customers at different points in their buying journey.

Pros: Robust automation capabilities, customizable chatbots, detailed reporting, and integration with HubSpot CRM.

Cons: Learning curve due to extensive features.

4. MobileMonkey

MobileMonkey is a Facebook messaging platform specializing in creating robust chatbots and SMS marketing.

Its features provide marketers with the means to capture and qualify leads on a platform where consumers frequently interact.

Pros: A Facebook messaging platform allowing the creation of powerful chatbots, SMS marketing, and real-time engagement tracking.

Cons: Primarily limited to Facebook Messenger interactions.

5. LiveChat

This tool brings businesses and customers closer by providing real-time conversations anytime, anywhere. Its array of features, which include tickets, reports, file sharing, visitor information, and integrations, is designed to provide swift resolution to customer questions or problems.

Pros: Enables real-time customer support, offers excellent tools for lead conversion, and integrates with e-commerce platforms.

Cons: High subscription price compared to competitors.

6. Tars

Tars stands out as one of the more versatile conversation platforms geared towards marketers. Its unique feature set helps businesses build a conversational workflow from scratch or use one of many pre-made bot templates.

This versatility, combined with an intuitive bot builder and Google Analytics integration, makes Tars a powerful tool in any marketer’s arsenal.

Pros: Customizable chatbots, pre-built templates for various industries, Google Analytics integration, and an intuitive bot-builder.

Cons: Creating conversational workflow can be complex.

7. Conversica

Aiming to transform the future of business communications with AI, Conversica provides an AI-based platform that functions like a team of virtual sales assistants. The prime advantage of Conversica is its ability to unleash the potential of automated conversational marketing for lead conversion and customer engagement processes.

Pros: AI-powered lead conversions, seamless integrations, exemplary AI assistance, and lead qualification automation.

Cons: Text-based interactions could impose limitations.

8. Chatfuel

If you’re looking for a conversational marketing tool specifically for Facebook Messenger, Chatfuel is an excellent choice. Chatfuel allows businesses to create AI chatbots for Facebook Messenger without any coding experience.

Pros: User-friendly chatbot builder for Facebook Messenger, custom user attributes, and integration with third-party apps.

Cons: Limited to Facebook Messenger.

9. Freshchat

Freshchat, a part of the Freshworks ecosystem, empowers businesses with AI-based messaging and live chat capabilities. Its standout feature is the ability to carry out targeted messaging and in-app campaigns, making it more advanced than a conventional live chat tool.

Pros: Straightforward interface, advanced targeting options, in-app campaigns, and integration with other Freshworks products.

Cons: Customization options can be limited compared to competitors.

10. Ada

Ada is a top contender in the AI-led chatbot field. Ada’s chatbots can understand and reply to customer inquiries fluently, making interactions smooth and efficient. With multilingual support and a customizable bot personality, Ada aims to give businesses a global outreach.

Pros: Customizable AI chatbots, drag-and-drop bot builder, multilingual support, and API integrations.

Cons: Difficult for those without technical knowledge.

Final Thoughts

Conversational marketing tools can be a solid upgrade for your business. With them, you can create personalized interactions and make customers feel valued while simplifying their journey. The result ? Effective branding, increased sales, and richer customer relationships.

Undoubtedly, there’s a lot of potential with conversational marketing. All you need to do now is explore and see which tool works best for your business.

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Guide To Open Online Store
Web Development

The Definitive Guide to Opening Your First Online Store

You have this amazing product idea. One that you strongly feel is going to be a big hit online. The thought of it makes your heart race. But then, the thought of all the confusing technical stuff – domain names, SSL certificates, shopping carts stops you in your tracks. You’re not the only one who feels this way. Many folks starting their business venture face these fears. You have the product idea and the excitement, but the technical stuff seems a hard nut to crack.

So, let’s slow down and take a deep breath. This journey doesn’t have to be a confusing puzzle. This guide is going to be like a helpful friend walking you through the steps. We will chat about every “What?” and “How?” to help you set up your online store smoothly. So, let’s get started.

How To Setup Your First Online Store?

Define Your Product Idea

Your journey to opening an online store starts with a unique product idea. It can be anything from handmade crafts to digital e-books, depending on your skills and passion. For instance, if you’re an expert home cook, you might think about selling your special homemade sauces. A clear product idea is the first step towards building a successful online store.

Identify Your Target Audience

Pinning down the people who’d be interested in your products is crucial. These are the folks you’ll target in your marketing strategies later. For our example, lovers of home cooking, budding chefs, or food enthusiasts might be the ideal audience for your homemade sauces.

Plan Your Budget

Starting an online store will involve some expenses. You’ll need to account for website setup, product photography, marketing expenses, etc. Having a well-planned budget ensures that unexpected costs won’t blindside you in the future.

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Choose an E-commerce Platform

This is your online storefront. Online platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Etsy help you set up your store. Different platforms have unique features and costs – it’s important to find one that aligns with both your needs and budget.

Create Your Store Name and Domain

This is where you bring your online store to life, starting with its name. It should be catchy, relevant to your products, and easy to remember. Additionally, your domain (store’s web address, like “MomsSpecialSauces.com”) should match your store’s name to ensure a seamless online presence.

Set up Your Online Store

Now, the backdrop is ready. It’s time to stock up your store with products. Include clear, high-quality images and detailed descriptions for each product. Remember, thorough and engaging product information can swing the purchases in your favor.

Establish Payment and Shipping Methods

Deciding how your customers will pay you and receive their products is essential. Whether it’s PayPal, credit card transactions, or UPI, you need to offer convenient payment options. Similarly, whether you’ll offer nationwide shipping, in-store pickup, or both, must be considered.

Build a Digital Marketing Strategy

Here, digital marketing comes into play. You’ll need to reach out to your potential customers, and digital marketing serves as your loudspeaker. Depending on your audience and product, various tactics like social media marketing, SEO, paid ads, or email marketing can be beneficial. For example, sharing food recipes with “Mom’s Special Sauce” on social media can attract potential customers.

Launch Your Online Store

After all the previous steps are checked off, there’s only one thing left to do – launch your online store!
Remember, growing an online store involves fine-tuning your strategies based on customer feedback and shopping trends.

Final Thoughts

Starting your first online store can feel like navigating uncharted territory, but remember, every great journey begins with a single step. With a clear plan, an understanding of your audience, and a dash of digital marketing savvy, you’ll be well on your way to turning that dream store into a thriving online marketplace. So, take the plunge and start working on your dream today.

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Metaverse Reshaping the Digital Marketing Landscape
Digital Marketing

How is the Metaverse Reshaping the Digital Marketing Landscape?

Marketing has blown up online – ads are everywhere, all competing for your eyeballs. And now, the metaverse has changed everything forever. On one hand, it could be an exciting step forward. Imagine hanging out with your favorite brands in a fun virtual space. Content and products tailored just for you.
But it also raises some questions. How will companies use the metaverse responsibly?
Will it solve problems like ad overload or just add complexity? Can users trust brands to create ethical experiences? The potential is massive if done right. But missteps could damage trust and engagement. There’s a lot at stake. Let’s break it down and see how the impact the metaverse is creating for us.

Understanding the Metaverse

Imagine a world where you’re strolling through a digital city, dropping into virtual stores or even attending a virtual concert with friends from around the globe, all from the comfort of your home.
This is the Metaverse – a collective virtual shared space created by the combination of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and the Internet.
Unlike traditional online experiences, the Metaverse is persistent (it never pauses or ends), spans both digital and physical reality, and allows users to interact in real time.

The Influence of Metaverse on Human Interaction

The Metaverse opens up a new era of interaction. It brings the interaction of social media, the connectivity of instant messaging, the community of online games, and the immersion of VR all in one package. Imagine attending a music festival virtually with your friends, dancing along with your personalized avatars, and even interacting with the artist.

Digital Interaction Today Versus the Metaverse

Unlike the digital interactions of today, where text or emojis are used to express feelings or reactions, the Metaverse will allow for much more. Expressions, gestures, and even the way you ‘look’, can all be personalized, bringing a ‘human’ aspect to the digital interaction.

The Impact of Metaverse on Digital Marketing

Now that you know the basics, let’s dive into how digital marketing will change. Here’s a detailed look.

Living the Brand Story

A billboard advert or a TV commercial tells a story about a product. Yet, in the Metaverse, you don’t just hear the story; you live it. Think about stepping inside your favorite sneaker store, trying on shoes in a virtual fitting room before buying. Retail giants like Nike are already testing these waters. Real, isn’t it?

Celebrities Inside My Screen

We all ‘follow’ our favorite celebs, fashionistas, or travel bloggers on social media. In the Metaverse, there’s a chance you could be hanging out with them, like it’s the most natural thing to do. Influencers promoting your products or services can engage better with audiences, generating higher trust and value.

More Than Just Posts and Likes

Imagine hosting a product launch inside the Metaverse, where attendees can experience your product firsthand. Suddenly, your posts are not just for ‘likes’, but for real-time engagements. Roblox, a Metaverse platform, has been hosting virtual concerts and events, turning the marketing game around.

Adding Life to Inanimate

Ever thought of trying a dress on, right from your home? With AR, VR, and AI technologies backing the Metaverse, your marketing campaigns evolve from pictures and videos to interactive experiences. IKEA’s augmented reality app, IKEA Place, does just this.

Shopping is No More ‘Add to Cart’

Buying stuff in the Metaverse is not just ‘adding to cart’. It’s about walking into a store, trying things out, and then making a purchase. It’s an immersive experience to keep consumers engaged and to pitch your products right.

Making it Personal

The Metaverse can offer personalized experiences like walking into a store at the mall. A virtual assistant could guide you, answer your questions, and give product suggestions, making it quite like a chat with the salesperson at your regular outlet.

Keeping it real with Data

Consumer data is valuable in shaping marketing strategies. In the Metaverse, there’s potential to understand consumers’ behavior and preferences more accurately based on their interactions in the virtual world.

Closer Look at Challenges

It’s not all rosy, though. This new normal will have its own set of challenges. Users might push back against intrusive ads, just as they do in our existing internet spaces. How do we balance this and offer users an immersive yet respectful experience? That’s a question we all need to think about.

Final Thoughts

The Metaverse is a whole new playing field. While parts remain uncertain, this much is clear – the digital landscape is transforming before our eyes. For consumers, it unlocks new worlds of imagination and connection. For marketers, fresh opportunities to engage communities in meaningful ways. But with great innovation comes great responsibility. Brands must approach this ethically and prioritize creating value, not just hype. Change is here. Those who adapt will reap the benefits later.

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Revamp Your Hotel's Online Presence - Digital Marketing Strategies
Digital Marketing

Revamp Your Hotel’s Online Presence – Digital Marketing Strategies

Is your hotel’s online presence letting you down? You’re not alone. In 2022, 67% of small business owners said they struggled with digital marketing and needed to upgrade their strategy. But in today’s competitive hospitality landscape, an outdated or ineffective online presence can be devastating. Without a strong website, engaging social media, and optimized SEO, you miss out on reservations and revenue while competitors swoop in.

Between managing daily operations and serving guests, it’s tough to stay on top of digital marketing trends. But they move fast. Each year, new platforms and algorithms emerge that can make or break your hotel’s success in attracting and engaging potential guests online.

With a refreshed digital marketing strategy built for today’s travelers, you can showcase your unique property, boost direct bookings, and thrive in the digital landscape. Don’t leave business on the table due to an outdated online presence.

Digital Marketing Tips For Hotel Owners

Website Optimization

Having a user-friendly, mobile responsive website is crucial as it’s often the first touchpoint for potential guests. Ensure your site loads quickly, prominently displays room rates/availability, has clear CTAs to book, and highlights your unique value proposition. Integrate schema markup for better SEO.

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Search Engine Optimization

Optimize your website for keywords travelers search when planning vacations. Create targeted meta titles/descriptions, content around key phrases, internal links between pages, and alt text for images. Improving your search visibility helps you get found more easily.

Social Media Presence

Be active on relevant social platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook. Share visually appealing photos, engaging posts about your property, local area, and special deals. Respond promptly to comments and DMs. Social media helps humanize your brand, drive bookings, and boost reviews.

Email Marketing

Collect guest emails to build an email list. Nurture relationships by sending customized offers, loyalty promotions, holiday deals, newsletters with property updates, and birthday/anniversary treats. Email converts better than most channels.

Online Reputation Management

Actively monitor online reviews on OTAs and social media. Respond professionally to feedback, offer solutions for issues raised. Encourage guests to post reviews upon checkout. Positive reviews build trust and your ranking on review sites.

Paid Ads

Run PPC and social media campaigns targeted locally and at key demographics. Remarketing helps bring website visitors back. Dynamic ads update with latest room rates and offers. Ads expand your reach and get more qualified traffic.

Content Marketing

Create blogs, local guides, videos to inform and engage visitors. SEO optimized content ranks high in search results. Demonstrate your expertise and local insights. Add calls-to-action to convert readers into guests.

Analytics and Tracking

Use Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel to track website traffic sources, high-performing marketing channels, and consumer behavior patterns. Data-driven insights help refine strategies.

Direct Booking Benefits

Offer exclusive perks for booking directly – discounted rates, room upgrades, amenities, loyalty programs. Provides incentives to book directly vs OTAs.

Social Listening

Monitor brand mentions, customer feedback, local events across the social web using tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social that lets you identify opportunities, concerns, manage online reputation.

Technology Integration

Adopt hotel management and distribution software, channel managers to automate and synchronize reservations, rates, inventory across OTA and online channels. Saves time and maximizes revenue.

Keep Learning

Regularly assess results from initiatives above. Stay updated on digital trends and channels. Continually test new strategies and platforms. Ongoing learning ensures you keep optimizing as marketing evolves.


Let’s face it – revamping your online presence probably isn’t the most exciting task on your to-do list. But in today’s digital world, it’s absolutely essential to connect with guests and grow your business. With these tips, you now have a blueprint to refresh your hotel’s website, social media, SEO and more. A strong digital marketing for hotel owners is crucial to stand out and drive direct bookings in 2023’s competitive landscape.

Don’t leave potential customers on the table due to an outdated online presence. Think of optimizing for the digital space as an investment into your property’s future. The effort you put in now will continue paying dividends for years through greater brand awareness, higher conversions, and boosted revenue. Ready to showcase your unique property and thrive online? Let’s do this.

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Color Psychology -A Secret Weapon in Successful Marketing and Branding
Digital Marketing

Color Psychology – A Secret Weapon in Successful Marketing and Branding

Choosing colors for your brand? It’s tricky. You gotta pick hues that vibe with your audience. Otherwise, you risk sending the wrong message about your brand. Here’s the secret – color has a huge psychological impact. Certain shades make people feel specific emotions and associations. Use that to your advantage. Other hues may turn off customers or seem off-brand.

Learning color psychology gives you an advantage. You can connect deeper through visuals, attract your dream audience, and reinforce your brand seamlessly. It’s like magic. Curious how to hack color psychology for awesome marketing? Keep reading. We’ll share research-backed tips to create the perfect palette. You’ll go from random colors to strategic shades that turn browsers into buyers.

The Science Behind Color Psychology

Color psychology is more than just personal preference – there’s real science behind how colors affect us mentally and physically. Let us break it down for you. Our brains process color on a biological level. Certain wavelengths of light stimulate the retina more, which activates the hypothalamic regions of the brain. This triggers the release of hormones that make us feel emotions like happiness, sadness, or anger when we see specific colors.

Common Color Associations and Their Meanings



Red is associated with passion, excitement, danger, energy, and action. It grabs attention and evokes strong emotions due to its long wavelength stimulating brain activity. Red is used to convey boldness in marketing from energetic brands. For example, YouTube uses a red play button to stand out.


Blue represents trust, stability, tranquility, and safety. The calming effect of blue light causes the brain to release relaxing hormones. Blue conjures feelings of professionalism and security. That’s why social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn use blue – they want to project trustworthiness.


Green signifies health, freshness, harmony, and the environment. Its association with nature creates feelings of balance and growth. Companies like Whole Foods use green to emphasize natural or organic positioning. Green also indicates “go” due to traffic lights.


Yellow conveys optimism, cheerfulness, and warmth. Its bright hue triggers the release of serotonin and endorphins. Yellow grabs attention without the intensity of red. Fast food chains often use yellow to project a fun, youthful vibe. IKEA utilizes yellow to create a playful, welcoming atmosphere.


Orange represents enthusiasm, creativity, and sociability. It’s energetic without being overpowering. Orange combines the cheer of yellow with the vibrancy of red. Home Depot uses orange as it conjures handyman vibes. Fanta’s orange branding communicates playfulness and fun.


Purple is associated with extravagance, spirituality, and mystery. Its rarity in nature imbues purple with a magical, almost regal significance. Purple contrasts rationality with emotion to compel audiences. Cadbury uses purple to convey premium indulgence.

Applying Color Psychology in Branding and Marketing

Choose Colors to Align With Your Brand Identity

Select colors that reinforce your brand personality and values. Cool blues convey trust for banks, while bold reds project excitement for sports brands. Make sure colors send the right message. Consider your brand story and qualities you want to emphasize, then pick hues that align.

Use Colors to Influence Specific Emotions

Use color strategically to drive desired emotional responses. Warm yellows and oranges express optimism and confidence for motivational brands. Cool greens and blues create relaxing feelings for spas or yoga studios. Match colors to emotions you want customers to feel.

Differentiate Your Brand

Use color to stand out from competitors. If rivals use blue, go bold with orange. Owning a distinct color helps brands instantly differentiate. Tiffany’s robin egg blue separates them from other jewelry brands. UPS’ brown conveys reliability differently than FedEx’s purple and orange.

Design Consistent Visual Content

Create brand guidelines for color use across marketing materials. Consistent color patterns, palettes, and usages build recognition. Coca-Cola always uses their signature red. Starbucks sticks to green and white. Cohesive color reinforces branding across campaigns.

Consider Cultural Associations

Ensure colors resonate appropriately with your target audience. Red and yellow can signify happiness in the West, but grief in some Asian cultures. Do research to understand if colors evoke different meanings based on cultural contexts. Localize meaning appropriately.

Test and Optimize Response

Track how color choices impact engagement and conversions. If orange buttons outperform green, update templates accordingly. Run A/B tests to see if different hues or palettes lift response rates. Continually refine your color strategy based on data.

Final Thoughts

And there you have it, the secret power of color in marketing and branding. It’s truly fascinating how colors can influence our emotional responses, steering our perceptions about a brand. So, as you work towards creating successful marketing strategies and building your brand identity, remember to include color psychology in your arsenal.
Because when harnessed rightly, the psychology of colors can indeed be your secret weapon in standing out and winning over minds and hearts.

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BOAT's Dominance - Analysis of Marketing
Digital Marketing

BOAT’s Dominance – Analysis of Marketing Strategy

With revenues of Rs 4,000 crore and growing over 20% year-on-year, boAt is making major waves in India’s consumer tech landscape. Led by Shark Tank judge Aman Gupta, this homegrown brand has become synonymous with stylish, affordable audio and wearables. As of July 2023, boAt dominates 46% of the true wireless stereo market and commands 15% in wearables.

But how did a startup defeat global giants to become India’s undisputed champion of personal gadgets? It all comes down to some savvy marketing moves. From latching onto influencers to optimizing online sales, boAt cracked the code for millennials. Their meteoric rise holds valuable lessons for Indian brands aiming high. This in-depth analysis will dissect the strategies that steered boAt’s market dominance. From product design to promotion, let’s unpack the methods behind this $500 million success story. The insights can chart a winning course for your brand too.

What did bOAt get right?

Cultivating a Strong Brand Identity

From their stylized lowercase logo to the nautical name, boAt carefully crafted a brand identity that resonates with young Indian consumers. Their branding accentuates a vibrant, youthful personality that feels accessible yet aspirational.
boAt forged emotional connections through the identity and positioning of “an Indian brand made for India”. This cultivated loyalty amongst youth who want to support homegrown brands. Rather than copying global competitors, boAt made strategic choices to highlight their Indian roots while exuding premium tech appeal.

Leveraging Social Media & Influencers

As a digital-first brand, boAt understood social media marketing power early. They forged partnerships with micro-influencers who created organic sponsored content about boAt audio products. Their campaigns with diverse creators, from dancers to comedians, made the brand feel relatable.
boAt also engaged users through Instagram and Facebook giveaways, contests and polls that kept followers invested. Instead of hard sells, they drove word-of-mouth by encouraging users to share boAt product stories. Their CEO Aman Gupta’s fame as a Shark Tank judge became a marketing boon, with his promotional videos garnering millions of eyeballs.

Optimizing E-Commerce Sales

boAt clocked in early to India’s e-commerce boom, selling exclusively online at launch before expanding to retail. A data-driven approach helped them determine winning products and prices for online shoppers. Listening to reviews allowed swift improvement too.
boAt developed omnichannel strategies for seamless customer experiences across website, Amazon, Flipkart etc. They forged close partnerships with platforms to align goals and invested heavily in search, display and affiliate marketing. Codes, bundled offers and cashbacks incentivized purchases while smart SEO and social media drove discovery.

Understanding Millennial Consumers

boAt’s entire brand persona and product suite caters to digitally-savvy millennials. From affordable true wireless earbuds to fitness bands with modern flair, they deliver on both form and function. Clean aesthetics and punchy colors make boAt gadgets Instagrammable. Limited edition collab drops with designers and celebrities also delight fashion-forward youth.
Beyond products, boAt’s messaging taps into the mindset of young hustlers chasing dreams. While global brands focus on achievements, boAt encourages the journey – relating to an aspirational audience.

Providing Value & Simplicity

Despite premium marketing, boAt retains an affordable price point. Enticing specs and features at reasonable costs make them a high-value purchase. Their wide range covers every price tier without compromising style. In-house manufacturing and distribution controls pricing power.
From packaging to UI, boAt emphasizes simplicity and ease-of-use that resonates with busy young professionals. Their shopping journey offers clarity while limiting choice paralysis. From start to finish, boAt considered their target audience’s needs and preferences.

Key Marketing Takeaways from boAt’s Rise

  • Build organic hype through micro-influencers.
  • Engage social media followers through contests and content.
  • Optimize online sales channels and partnerships.
  • Analyze data to offer high-value products.
  • Develop integrated omnichannel customer experiences.
  • Invest in digital marketing and SEO to drive discovery.
  • Offer discounts and promotions to incentivize purchases.
  • Understand your core target audience deeply.
  • Design products tailored to your audience’s needs.
  • Use content and collaborations to connect with culture.
  • Emphasize simplicity in branding and user experience.
  • Control pricing power through in-house manufacturing.

Final Thoughts

There you have it folks – the story behind boAt’s marketing masterstrokes that crowned them king of consumer tech in India. By optimizing digital sales, leveraging influencers, and understanding their young audience, they steered clear of pitfalls that sink startups.

Identify core customers, meet their needs better than anyone, and creatively get your product in front of them. Easier said than done, but boAt proves with strategic marketing, Indian ventures can build an unshakeable brand. The market rewards those who listen keenly to consumers while conveying their difference loudly and proudly. So tune your messaging, polish your presence, and set sail – your success may just be on the boAt.

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