Kabir IT Services Pvt. Ltd.

The Horse
Agility Club

The Horse Agility Club, a unique platform dedicated to horse agility training, is an epitome of the true bond between horses and their owners. For this noble endeavour, KITSS refurbished their website using WordPress & LMS Learndash theme, depicting their passion and commitment towards horse care.

Challenges Faced

While this project was undoubtedly exciting, it presented its unique set of challenges:

User Experience: Creating an intuitive navigation system for both beginners and equestrians.
Learning Management System: Incorporating an LMS for easy access to online courses.
Engaging Community Features: Developing social features to facilitate vibrant club interactions.
Responsive Design: Ensuring the website is mobile-friendly considering the diverse user base.

Innovative Solutions

Furthering our legacy of delivering satisfactory solutions, KITSS tackled these challenges head-on:

Intuitive Design

We created a clean, intuitive user interface ensuring easy navigation for everyone.


We effectively integrated LMS for seamless course access.

Community Engagement

Developed features like forums and event listings for club interaction.

Responsive Adaptation

Ensured the website is optimised for various devices to provide a smooth user experience.

Prominent Features

Our team implemented a variety of features to enhance user engagement and functionality:

Event Calendar: Information and registration for upcoming events.
Members’ Forum: A platform for users to interact, discuss and share experiences.
Online Course Access: Direct access to online training courses.
User-Friendly Navigation: Streamlined navigation for easy exploration of the whole website.

Impact of Our Solutions

The newly refurbished Horse Agility Club website successfully represents the brand's ethos while providing a supportive environment for the club's members. This has resulted in:


Increased Member Engagement


Higher Course Enrollments


Improved Online Presence

KITSS, effectively blending technology and creativity.