Ever thought about how scary it would be if someone could create a video of you saying things you’ve never said? That’s exactly where our story starts today. Because, guess what? Such technology already exists and it’s called ‘deepfakes.’

Deepfakes use artificial intelligence to create incredibly realistic videos of people, often celebrities or public figures, doing and saying things they never actually did. From putting words in their mouths to making them perform outrageous acts – these videos are so convincing and life-like that they are often hard to distinguish from the real deal.

This may sound like a fascinating leap in technology, but it isn’t all fun and games. The misuse of deepfakes can harm reputations, spread misinformation and even threaten national security. Isn’t that alarming?

According to a study from Sensity, deepfake videos online have nearly doubled in just the last nine months of 2019. That’s a lot of potential for mischief, isn’t it?

With this blog, we aim to guide you through this murky world of deepfakes, helping you understand exactly what they are, why they matter and how they may impact us. 

What exactly are deepfakes?

So, you’re probably wondering, “What exactly are deepfakes?”

Deepfakes are essentially videos that appear terrifyingly real, but aren’t. Think of them as ultra-sophisticated video edits, made possible by powerful artificial intelligence tools. They can take a person, say a famous actress, and have her seemingly do or say things she never actually did.

Here’s a real-world example to solidify your understanding. Remember that Twitter video of popular South Indian actress Rashmika Mandanna supposedly getting into an elevator? It went viral in no time, with many fans getting a chuckle out of her amusing expressions and antics. The thing is, it wasn’t really Rashmika in the elevator. Crazy, right?

In the video, Rashmika’s face was superimposed onto another woman’s body using deepfake technology. The result? A video so convincing that even some of her most die-hard fans couldn’t tell the difference. But later on, when the truth got out, it left a lot of folks scratching their heads, wondering about the incredible power technology has to create such convincing falsehoods.

From the harmless hilarity of a swapped face to potentially harmful fake news, deepfakes provide an impressive, and somewhat chilling, glimpse into the future of digital media.

Why do these deepfakes matter?

Deepfakes are significant because they have the potential to affect public opinion, pose threats to digital security, and make it challenging to distinguish between fact and fiction. We should celebrate the impressive technology that has brought us deepfakes, but at the same time, be cautious and aware of their potential impact on our everyday lives.

Mind-Boggling Technology

Deepfakes, created with the help of artificial intelligence, are becoming an important topic of conversation. While some people find them fascinating, others are worried about their potential consequences. But why are deepfakes so significant in today’s world? Let’s break it down.

The Power of Deepfakes

The technology behind deepfakes is incredibly advanced. It can take videos or images and make them look like someone else is in them. This is exciting because it shows just how far we’ve come in developing AI. But it’s also a cause for concern because the technology is so convincing.

Affecting Public Opinion

The problem with deepfakes is that they can be used to spread false information. People can create fake videos of politicians, celebrities, or anyone else they want to target. This can potentially sway public opinion, lead to fake news spreading like wildfire, and even influence elections.

Digital Security at Risk

Deepfakes can also pose a threat to digital security. For example, they can be used for identity theft or fraud. If someone can create a video or image of you that looks realistic, they can use it to pretend to be you and cause harm. This puts everyone’s personal information at risk.

A Fight for Truth

When it comes to deepfakes, one of the biggest challenges is knowing what’s real and what’s fake. People can be misled, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult to verify the authenticity of digital media. This is why we need to make significant advances in technology to combat deepfakes, making sure people are aware of the potential dangers and are equipped with the knowledge to spot fake content.

The Risks of Deepfakes

Deepfakes, while they might seem mesmerizing and fun, hold some significant risks. Let’s explore five key threats they pose.

Creating Fake News

Misinformation is one of the biggest dangers linked to deepfakes. By creating ultra-realistic videos, people can spread false news and rumors faster than ever before.

Identity Theft

Deepfakes could lead to a surge in identity theft. With the ability to imitate anyone’s appearance and voice, it’s possible for criminals to impersonate individuals for dishonest purposes.

Political Manipulation

Throughout history, propaganda has been used to manipulate public opinion. In the hands of the wrong people, deepfakes could become a powerful tool for political manipulation.

Corroding Trust

As deepfakes become more common, they could diminish trust in video and audio content. Once trust in digital media is damaged, it’s tough to repair.

Exploitation and Harassment

Deepfakes potentially provide a new platform for harassment and exploitation, especially for public figures. They can be used to create offensive or inappropriate content targeting individuals.

Measures to Combat Against Deepfakes

Let’s not lose hope, though. There are measures we can take to counter the threats posed by deepfakes. Let’s dig into those bang-on solutions.

Building Awareness

The first step in combating deepfakes is education. The more people know about deepfakes and their potential harm, the less likely they are to be misled by them.

Verification Tools

It’s important to develop and distribute tools that can identify deepfakes. These technological solutions can help us differentiate between real and fake content more effectively.


Governments around the world can play a crucial role in regulating the use of deepfakes. Strict laws and regulations could discourage misuse and impose penalties for malicious use.

Cybersecurity Measures

By embedding more sophisticated security measures in our digital channels, we can prevent deepfake-related identity theft. Two-factor authentication, biometric data, and strong, unique passwords are just a few examples.

Media Literacy

Finally, enhancing media literacy can help people critically assess the media they consume to spot deepfakes. Learning to cross-verify information and becoming a discerning consumer of media means stronger defenses against the deceit of deepfakes.


The rise of deepfake technology demonstrates the remarkable progress we’ve made in artificial intelligence. However, it also brings with it several risks, including fake news, identity theft, political manipulation, reduced trust in digital media, and potential harassment. 

By taking measures like raising awareness, developing verification tools, regulating their use, improving cybersecurity, and enhancing media literacy, we can combat these threats. 

As we embrace the fascinating world of AI and deepfakes, it is crucial that we stay vigilant and work together to ensure a digitally secure and trustworthy future for all.