The Antares
The Antares is a premium real-estate project in the heart of Zirakpur. It offers lavish 3BHK homes equipped with all modern amenities. It is, by far, one of the best upcoming residential projects in the area.
The Goal:
Our client wanted to launch a residential project in Zirakpur. They finalized their land holdings and had the floor plan ready from architects. Our primary goal was to create a brand identity, increase visibility, spread awareness, and create a profitable sales funnel.
How we achieved our goal?
Ours was a three-pronged approach where we divided the task into three categories Brand Identity, Digital and marketing collateral, and Business Process.
Challenges Encountered
Unique Solutions Arrived
With these challenges in mind, the KITSS team sculpted solutions that surpass expectations:
Antares Search Results
Sample Profile Links
Sr. No. | Website Name | DA | Submitted Links |
01 | reddit.com | 92 | www.reddit.com /user/antares- zirakpur |
02 | medium.com/ | 95 | medium.com/@th eantareszirak pur |
03 | issuu.com | 94 | www.issuu.com/ theantareszira kpur |
04 | wordpress.com | 94 | theantareszira kpur.wordpress .com |
05 | www.blogger.com | 99 | theantareszira kpur.blogspot. com |
Sample Social Bookmarking Links
Sr. No. | Website Name | DA | Submitted Links |
01 | bookmarktheme. com | 23 | bookmarktheme. com/author/the antares |
02 | bookmarkfollow .com | 19 | www.bookmarkfo llow.com/autho r/theantares |
03 | bookmarkdeal. com | 21 | www.bookmarkde al.com/author/ theantares/ |
04 | a2zbookmarks. com | 18 | www.a2zbookmar ks.com/author/ theantares/ |
05 | bookmarkdiary .com | 29 | bookmarkdiary. com/author/the antares/ |
Sample Microblogging Links
Sr. No. | Website Name | DA | Submitted Links |
01 | heroes.app | 37 | www.heroes.app/ posts/376051 |
02 | www.mumblit.com | 34 | www.mumblit.com/ thread/256423 |
03 | www.lyfepal.com | 38 | www.lyfepal.com /posts/199610 |
04 | www.twitback.com | 44 | www.twitback.com /theantares |
05 | www.reddit.com | 90 | www.reddit.com/ user/antares-zir akpur/comments/ 17cxjmd/3bhk_ flats_in_zirak pur_the_antares/ |
Sample Business Citations Links
Sr. No. | Website Name | DA | Submitted Links |
01 | crunchbase.com | 91 | www.crunchbase .com/organizat ion/the-antares |
02 | www.connect2 india.com | 35 | www.connect2 india.com/The- Antares/694286 |
03 | justdial.com | 61 | www.justdial .com/Zirakpur/ The-Antares/01 72PX172-X172-2 30401180430-Q2 Z4_BZDET |
04 | www.yalwa.in | 47 | www.chandigarh .yalwa.in/ID_1 41484681/The-A ntares-Zirakpu r.html |
05 | local.india online.in | 44 | www.zirakpur. punjabonline. in/profile/the -antares |